Filing Fees:
Schedule 1: $306.00
- Chancery (CH)
- Dissolution with children (DC)
- Dissolution without children (DN)
- Eminent Domain (ED)
- Family (FA)
- Foreclosure (FC)
- Government Corporation (GC)
- Law (LA)
- Law-Magistrate (LM): $15,000.01 or more
- Miscellaneous Remedy (MR)
- Miscellaneous Criminal (MX)
- Tax (TX)
Schedule 2: $256.00
- Eviction (EV): Possession & Judgment
- Guardianship (GR)
- Law Magistrate (LM): $15,000.01 or less
- Small Claims (SC): $2,500.01 or more
Schedule 3: $89.00
- Adoption (AD)
- Eviction (EV): Possession only
- Small Claims (SC): $2,500.00 or less
Entry of Appearance Fees:
Schedule 1: $181.00
- Chancery (CH)
- Dissolution with children (DC)
- Dissolution without children (DN)
- Eminent Domain (ED)
- Eviction (EV): Possession & Judgment
- Family (FA)
- Government Corporation (GC)
- Guardianship (GR)
- Law: Damages over $50,000 (LA)
- Law: Damages $50,000 or less (LM)
- Miscellaneous Remedy (MR)
- Small Claims (SC): $2,500.01 – $10,000
- Tax (TX)
Schedule 2: $109.00
- Eviction (EV): Possession only
- Small Claims (SC): up to $2,500.00
- Filing a claim in probate:
- $150 – $500: $25.00
- $500 – $10,000: $40.00
- $10,000 or more: $60.00
- Claim, Petition, or supplemental proceeding based upon an action seeking equitable relief: $60.00
- Administration of Decedent’s Estate $356.00
- Wrongful Death $256.00
- Each account (other than one final account) filed in the estate of a decent or ward: $25.00
- Letters of Office: $2.00
- Copies of order or certifications: $2.00
- Exemplification: $2.00 + fee for certification
- Jury demand:
- 12 Person Jury: $137.50
- 6 Person Jury: $68.75
Miscellaneous Civil Fees: Appeal Preparation Fees:
- Alias Summons: $5.00
- Jury Services: $212.50
- Small Claims Jury Demand:
- 12 Person Jury: $25.00
- 6 Person Jury: $12.50
- Change of Venue: $40.00
- Certified copy of judgment: $10.00
- If record is 100 pages or less: $50.00
- If record is between 100-200 pages: $100.00
- If record is 200 pages or more: Add’l $0.25 per page
Garnishment/Wage Deduction/Citation Proceedings:
- $1,000 or less: $15.00
- $1,000-$5,000: $30.00
- $5,000 or more: $50.00
Traffic Violations:
All non-court appearance offenses: $164.00
Fine and Cost totals of Court Supervision are as follows: (Subject to Change at any time)
- Speeding 1-20 mph above the limit: $437.00
- Speeding 21-25 mph above the limit: $472.00
- Non speeding petty traffic offenses: $502.00
Conservation Violations:
All non-court appearance offenses: $195.00
Other Fees:
Certified Copy: $6.00
Copies: $2.00 first page
$0.50 pages 2-19
$0.25 pages 20+
Marriage: $10.00
Record Search: $6.00 each year searched
Petition to Vacate or Modify:
- If filed within 30 days: $50.00
- If filed after 30 days: $75.00
Mailings: $10.00 + cost of postage
Correction of case (court ordered): $25.00
Expungement Petition: $60.00 + $4.00 each additional certified copy